SUNMATE electronics provides products and solutions for power applications. In every industry chain of power semiconductor chip and device manufacturing, integrated circuit packaging and testing, SeMet electronic devices improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
     Power supply equipment design: DC output TVS Diode


     Circuit protection of DC output current

Protection application:

The transient surge of DC output is less than that of AC input. Therefore, transients suppression diodes can be used in circuits requiring protection. There are usually multiple DC circuits, including + 3.3V, - 5V, + 5V, - 12V and + 12VDC.

Solution Description:

As shown in the figure above, transient suppression diodes are used to provide additional transient protection for each DC output of the power supply. This will minimize the transient pressure on each DC power bus power supply device.

Solution: TVS transient suppression diode

400W power plug-in volume transient suppression diode
P4SMAxx400W power SMD volume transient suppression diode
P6KExx600W power plug-in volume transient suppression diode
P6SMBxx600W power SMD volume transient suppression diode

Sunmate Semiconductor Co.,Ltd

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